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Get Your Donut before Homer does
Do you love Donuts? Do you love to smoke? Well then these Donut Pipes are perfect for you. Get your Donut now!
Puffco Collection View all
Ready to get hooked up? - The Smoke City Mystery Box includes some of the hottest and trending products from glass bongs, dab rigs, pipes, vaporizers and a lot more. All at a discounted price.
That New New
Water Pipes
Famous Brandz Glass
Rolling Trays
To provide quality items at great prices! We strive to be the best at what we do every step of the way. From the moment you arrive at our site to the moment you receive your order. We cary quality products from Glass Headies, Water Pipes, Dab Rigs, Hand Pipes and bubblers to all your Smoking Essentials like Rolling Papers, Grinders, Storage Jars, Cleaners, Vaporizers and More.

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Our Heady Selection
Looking for a one of kind piece? Well then browse our selection of Heady Glass.

Some of Our Favorites
CL1 Klein
This CL1 Klein is one of the cleanest looking and best functioning pieces around! The detail of the piece is abolutley amazing!
Smoking Chimp
These Smoking Chimp Dab Rigs by Fish Glass are pieces of art while having some of the best functionality. A Favorite!!